Tips on Starting a Prayer Journal

Starting a prayer journal is a great gift you give yourself. Putting dialogues with God on paper serves as a progressive record of His devotion in your life. It also serves as a visual confirmation of answered prayers.

Keeping a prayer journal is a bit different from a personal journal, where you document personal feelings, thoughts and insights. Rather, it’s all about your personal conversations with God, gratitude for His interventions and guidance and appreciation for His wisdom teachings.

How Not to Start Your Prayer Journal

You’ve made a wise decision to begin your personal prayer journal, yet a challenging one. Here is the best method we know to procrastinate about getting started:

Read a bunch of articles similar to this one. Get confused by the different organizational techniques, charts, spread sheets, lists, etc. Quit reading. Shop for the real-right prayer journal and perfect pen. Get confused by too many choices. Go home. Decide to start tomorrow.

Tips for Successfully Starting Your Prayer Journal

Basic supplies to get started are: paper, pen and your Bible. Start slow and simple. A 3-ring notebook with lined paper and any pen with good ink flow works.

Date each entry. Later, when you re-read your prayer journal, you’ll see a snapshot of your progress.

Do keep a handwritten journal, even if you prefer using your computer. Studies support handwritten journal entries, because the act of writing puts the brakes on our thinking mind and helps us connect with higher energies. Putting of words on paper is therapeutic, cathartic and reflective.

For now, ignore suggestions to divide the journal into sections, such as: Scripture Studies, Gratitude, Prayers for People and so on. All are excellent topics, which will evolve naturally with practice.

Writing letters to God is the easiest for beginners. Compose letters as if you were writing to a dear friend. If you wish, imagine that God has written a reply and write out His response on the next page.

Don’t worry about what to write. If you get stuck, consider writing a love letter to God. Be mindful, love is an abstract. You can’t reach out and touch it. Love is a heart thing.

Love letters to God will help solidify your understanding of why you love Him. Writing love letters to God is our gift to Him. Obviously, God knows everything, including your unreserved love for Him. Still, committing your loving thoughts in writing, develops a deeper relationship with God. It will make Him happy.

So, let’s talk about prayers. In essence, writing letters to God is a focused form of prayer. If you need to make a vocal prayer, because of a pressing problem, etc. take a few minutes afterward to jot down the gist of your prayer in your journal.

When He sends an answer, record its highlights. Each answered prayer heightens your trust in God. You may wish to compose a thank-you letter for answered prayers. God loves gratitude.

New Additions

In time, you may decide to add topic tabs to your notebook. Now, you can buy those dividers. Also, pamper your good self with pens containing different colors of ink.

Bible and Scripture Studies

Your prayer journal will enhance your studies of God’s Word. It will motivate you to get writing. It will inspire you toward greater understanding of His Word.


Each day, list five things you are grateful for. What has God done for you today? Tell Him about it.


Jot notes about prayer requests you receive. Keep a list of prayer journal prompts. Copy scriptures about prayer.

Final Thoughts

The more elaborate you get, the less likely you are inclined to keep up with your practice.

There is joy in keeping a prayer journal awaiting your discovery!

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