Prayer Books
Not only does God hear us, He speaks to us through scripture, and longs to have a personal relationship with us and to hear the desires of our hearts. Through these personalized prayer books, it's our hope that you will be equipped in your time of trial, illness or loss to connect with God through His Word, and to pray with power, truth and wisdom.

Prayers of Comfort in Grief

Pathway To Healing

Prayers for our Troops
GODHears you and miracles happen Every Day!
Healing Mercy Prayer Book
Scripture is God's words and direction to each of us. The Personalized Prayer books not only encourage those who are sick, hospitalized, living their last days on earth or serving our country in the military but also presents an opportunity to accept Christ. I have been giving these special books away for years. The families were so grateful for the promises and truth that gives hope and peace to their loved ones. I am so thankful to my dear friends for creating a personalized gift that I can share with others to Glorify God and bring joy into their lives!
– Candace Rogers
Grief Prayer Book
Dear friends of mine, Doug and Vee sent me a personalized prayer book. This is a thank you note I sent to them as a result:
Thank you for sharing your prayer book with me during my time of grief and sorrow. It provided me with poignant lessons that helped to lift my spirits and remain grounded in times of doubt, knowing that my son Bubba, my mother and my father were with the Lord. I would recommend this read to anyone who is struggling to accept their current circumstances, as I found the verses and text to be soothing and inspirational.
– Frank C. Walker, Esq. Stuart & Walker, P.A.
Military Prayer Book
Prayer notebooks were sent to military personnel serving in the Middle East. We had group prayer meetings with these notebooks, not only praying for individual servicemen, but praying for entire families and for entire battalions serving under the individuals whose names were in the books.
Truly an ARMY of prayer warriors! Along with the books, we sent boxes of requested supplies and built relationships with these brave young people serving on our behalf.
Praise be to God for our military and for these prayer books. They not only gave these men and women spiritual comfort, but they also knew they were not forgotten and were being prayed for by many other people.
– David and Lil Onstad